Sunday 24 July 2011

Made me a shadow in the shape of wonder

For the first time after the expansion of the band and their new album, Congratulations, MGMT were playing a show in Auckland. originally they were playing at the Logan Campbell Centre but for some reason, they changed it to The Powerstation which was great for me because that is one of my favourite venues. I was actually feeling a bit of deja-vu because exactly 1 year before, I went through the same thing with the Dead Weather, they announced a show at the Logan Campbell Centre on March 17th and then changed it to The Powerstation at the last minute. It was a little freaky that the exact same thing was happening on the same day but I would never compare the 2 events too closely (The Dead Weather are just too amazing for comparison). 2 of my favourite New Zealand bands were opening for MGMT, they were Popstrangers and The Drab Doo-riffs. It was my first time seeing Popstrangers since their drummer change, I loved their old drummer Elliot but the new guy seemed to do really well too (it will never be the same, but I can move past this). The Drab Doo-riffs were electric as always and really got everybody in the mood. Then MGMT played and it was a pretty fantastic show, they all seemed like they were having a lot of fun, which can be really contagious and the lighting was extremely psychedelic. The set list they played was phenomenal and I managed to get my hands on it afterwards (someone else tried to grab it too and it just ripped, but I got the majority of it while this poor other stranger only got a corner). I'm not the biggest MGMT fan in the world and they will never compare to The Dead Weather, but it was a really great show and a fascinating musical experience.

MGMT w/ The Drab Doo-riffs + Popstrangers. 17/03/2011. The Powerstation, Auckland, New Zealand

Popstrangers - Jimmy Mac + Adam Page

Popstrangers - Joel Flyger

The Drab Doo-riffs - Karl Steven + Caiohme Macfehin

MGMT - Andrew VanWyngarden

MGMT - Benjamin Goldwasser + Andrew VanWyngarden

MGMT - Of Moons, Birds & Monsters
MGMT - Electric Feel

MGMT setlist 2011

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